Date By Rating
27/4/2005 T DePalma 5 Martial Barrage - Hail the Valkelion
26/4/2005 T DePalma 5 Extinction Agenda - Demo 2005
19/4/2005 J Smit 1.5 Equilibrium / Malevolent Sneaker Tooth - Split Demo
19/4/2005 J Smit 3.5 Heruka Project - Leaganda
19/4/2005 T DePalma 3.5 Methadrone - Erroneous Enlightenment
19/4/2005 J Smit 2.5 Morgue - Barbed Wire Cranium
7/4/2005 P Azevedo 4 Fear thy Name - Riding the Chariots of War
7/4/2005 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - XII
7/4/2005 P Azevedo 3 Mind-A-Stray - Sign of Victory
7/4/2005 P Azevedo 2 Under Fetid Corpses - Flesh Made
2/4/2005 Q Kalis 3 Blakk Market - Hateful Affection
2/4/2005 J Smit 3.5 Cryonic - Distorted Fantasies
21/2/2005 T DePalma 2.5 Cold Grows the Season - Winds of Remembrance
31/1/2005 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - MMIV
31/1/2005 B Meloon 3.5 Of Infinity - The Essence of Infinity
20/1/2005 J Smit 5 Amok - Hephaistos
20/1/2005 J Smit 2.5 Carnal Rapture - Promo 2004
20/1/2005 J Smit 4 Subhuman - Delirio No. 1
6/12/2004 T DePalma 5 Biolich - Promo 2004
19/10/2004 J Smit 3.5 Delirium X Tremens - Cyberhuman
19/10/2004 J Smit 4.5 Mors In Tabula - Promo CD 2004
30/9/2004 T DePalma 4 Thornafire - Sin and Flesh Devotion
3/9/2004 T DePalma 4 Devastator - Infernal Devastation
3/9/2004 J Montague 4 Mórpheus - Delomelanicon
31/8/2004 B Meloon 3 Malebolgia - Requiem for the Inexorable
31/8/2004 T DePalma 1 Seraphim Slaughter - To Cataclysmic Path
11/8/2004 A McKay 3.5 Terror Ascends - Of Dark Descent
29/7/2004 A McKay 5 Empyrean Sky - The Snow White Rose of Paradise
29/7/2004 P Azevedo 3 Spiteful - Upheaval
12/7/2004 A McKay 2.5 Chapter VIII - Your Halo Is My Noose
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