Spiteful - _Upheaval_
by: Pedro Azevedo (3 out of 5)
Spiteful's _Upheaval_ is firmly rooted in classic thrash, and to a
much lesser extent death metal. This isn't exactly going in a
revolutionary direction, you might say -- but then again demos don't
usually do that -- and while derivative, Spiteful are a competent
thrash band. The production on this demo CD may not be of a great
calibre, but it's reasonably balanced and suits Spiteful's sound quite
well. Beefy riffs abound, and the band seem well on their way to
creating an interesting live set for thrash metal crowds. They manage
to show some of that vibrancy on disc, but remain a few steps short
of remarkable and a few more short of original. Still, as far as demos
go, _Upheaval_ is quite a decent effort from a band that may well grow
into something more interesting and unique in the future.
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