Date By Rating
22/7/2014 D Lake 4 Father Merrin - All Is Well That Ends in Hell
13/10/2013 S Satansson 4 Deathcult - The Test of Time
13/10/2013 D Lake 2 Deathred - Senses Paramount Flowing Into Darkness
27/11/2012 S Satansson 3.5 Human Cometh - Evolution
7/10/2012 D Lake 4 Hello Jackie - Unspeakable Territories
3/6/2012 D Lake 3.5 Lion Splicer - Valkyrie
6/5/2012 D Lake 4 Secrets of the Sky - Sunrise / Winter
2/4/2012 D Lake 4.5 Jupiter's Wake - Temporal Slide
15/1/2012 D Lake 4 Chromes - And Here My Disgust Begins
8/12/2011 D Lake 3.5 Lion Splicer - Slicer
8/12/2011 D Lake 4 Solothus - Ritual of the Horned Skull
1/11/2011 D Lake 4 Logistic Slaughter - Demo 2011
26/6/2011 S Satansson 3 Shrapnel Storm - At Dawn
15/5/2011 S Satansson 3.5 Ignition Code - Upgraded
26/2/2011 M Dolson 3.5 Them - Unhallowed
6/2/2011 S Satansson 4.5 Deathchamber - His Will Be Done
6/2/2011 D Lake 4 Exist - In Mirrors
6/2/2011 S Satansson 3 Northern Oak - Monuments
22/12/2010 S Satansson 4 Aratron - Horrifying Visions
8/12/2010 A McKay 5 M Inc. - M Inc.
2/4/2010 Q Kalis 3 Everwhere - Black Dawn
2/4/2010 A El Naby 1.5 Merciless Terror - Deeds of Inhumanity
14/2/2010 Q Kalis 4 Allmacht - In Namelosen Tiefen
14/2/2010 M Dolson 2.5 Ill Grande Scisma D'Oriente - Synesthesia
24/10/2009 P Williams 3.5 Anno Domini - Untitled
8/10/2009 Q Kalis 0.5 The Rectvm Satans - Occult Blood
8/10/2009 Q Kalis 2 To Mourn the Living - A Forest of Pale, Thin and Haunting Trees
3/9/2009 S Martin 3 Autumn in My Room - L'Automne Dans ma Chambre
16/8/2009 P Williams 2 Heresic Synopsis - Le Peuple du Vide
16/8/2009 S Martin 3 Scordatura - Garrote
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