Date By
22/7/2014 D Lake Paramnesia: Coming Out of the Dark
29/12/2012 D Lake Monolithe: Good Things Come in _III_
1/12/2012 P Schwarz Pentagram: It's Never Too Late
29/7/2012 P Schwarz Nile: At the Gate of Exhaustion
3/6/2012 J Carbon Wilds Forlorn: On the Heights of Despair
6/5/2012 D Lake Scott Kelly: The Searcher
1/11/2011 J Carbon Avichi: The Devil's Triad
1/11/2011 J Carbon Judd Madden: Fathoms Below
1/11/2011 J Carbon Wolves in the Throne Room: In the Aftermath
26/6/2011 J Carbon Altar of Plagues: Moving Forward
26/6/2011 J Carbon Liturgy: Scattered Like Landmines
5/6/2011 J Carbon Black Tusk: Swamp Things
15/5/2011 J Carbon Aerial Ruin: Death From Above
15/5/2011 J Carbon Miasmal: Living Forever
19/4/2011 J Carbon Falkenbach: ...Where His Ravens Fly...
19/4/2011 J Carbon Weedeater: Accidents Will Happen
28/3/2011 J Carbon Daemonlord: Lords of Benevolent Things
28/3/2011 J Carbon Woods of Desolation: World of Ruin
6/3/2011 J Carbon Obscura: Celestial Catastophes
26/2/2011 J Carbon Ulcerate: Destruction For Miles
13/2/2011 J Carbon The Bridal Procession: Introduction to the New Procession
27/1/2011 J Carbon Cough: Doom & Gloom
27/1/2011 J Carbon Mitochondrion: Pestilence, Perdition & Panaesthesia
18/4/2010 A El Naby Cerebrum: Stimulating the Cerebral Cortex
4/11/2009 J Smit Marduk: Unholy Blasphemies
24/9/2009 D Cairns Jucifer: Two's Company...
16/8/2009 S Martin Jungle Rot: While Awaiting the Horrors
22/7/2009 J Smit Pestilence: Never Say Die
18/7/2009 C Burton Mutant: Now Serving Bangers 'n' Thrash
15/7/2009 J Smit Goatwhore: Pedigree Butchery
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