#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
: H :
Haat Haatstrijd Hacavitz Hades
Haemorrhage Haemoth Hagalaz' Runedance Haggard
Haiku Funeral Hail Hail of Bullets Hair of the Dog
Halford Hallowed Butchery Halo Manash HammerFall
Hammerforce Hand of Doom Hands of Despair Hanzel Und Gretyl
Harkonen Harmony Harms Way Haste
Hate Hate Eternal Hate Forest Hate Theory
Hatebreed Hateful Abandon Hateplow HateSphere
Hatred HavocHate Havohej Havok
Hazard H-Bomb Head on Collision Headhunter DC
Headshot Hearse Heartless Heaven Shall Burn
Heaven's Gate Heavenwood Heavy Lord Hecate Enthroned
Hefeystos Heidenreich Heidevolk Heikousen
Heirs Hel Helangår Helgrind
Helheim Hell on Earth Hell United Hellacaust
Hell-Born Hellish Crossfire Hellkult HellLight
Helloween Hellspawn / Hateful / Impureza Hellveto Hellvetron
Hellyeah Helrunar Hemlock Hemoptysis
Hemoragy Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk Heorot Her Tortured Embrace
Heritech Hermh Herodias Herratik
Hesperia Hexecution Hexenhaus Hexentanz
Hexperos Hidden Hidden Pride Hierophant
High on Fire Highgate Hildr Valkyrie HIM
Himinbjorg Himsa Hin Onde Hirilorn
His Hero Is Gone Hocico Hollenthon Holocausto Canibal
Homo Iratus HomSelvareg Honor / Graveland Hooded Menace
Horde Horde of Worms Horfixion Horifixion
Horna Horna / Peste Noire Horricane Horseback
Hostility Hot Buttered Anal Hoth Hour of 13
House of Thumbs Houwitser Howls of Ebb Human Abstrakt
Human Eve Human Improvement Process Human Remains Humanity Defiled
Humectant Interruption Humectant Interruption / MO:TE hurt Hurtlocker
Hurusoma Hyadningar Hybernoid Hybrid Children
Hymen Holocaust Hymn for the Tortured Hyperborean Desire Hyperion
Hypnos Hypnosia Hypocrisy Hypocrite
Hypokras Hypomanie Hysteresis  

Found 144 bands.

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