Under Fetid Corpses - _Flesh Made_
by: Pedro Azevedo (2 out of 5)
No prizes for guessing what genre this belongs to: yes, it's some
pretty damn rotten death/grindcore. Released on CD-R by Dungeons
Records, this 18 minute demo alternates slower mosh sections with
blastbeats driven by a drum machine. The vocals share this duality,
with both cavernous grunts and high-pitched shrieking being used.
Skipping right past the non-existent innovation, which was obviously
never the band's goal to begin with, Under Fetid Corpses hover around
average and mediocre in most aspects: the drum machine isn't the worst
I've heard but still grates somewhat, the vocals are standard fare,
and the guitar work is decent for the genre. To the band's credit, the
songs are not as simplistic as they could have been in this genre, but
the music lacks some of the required bludgeoning quality. A reasonable
but quite unremarkable effort.
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