Fear thy Name - _Riding the Chariots of War_
by: Pedro Azevedo (4 out of 5)
It was two years ago that I first heard of Fear thy Name, and since my
lukewarm reaction to their _The Awakening_ demo I hadn't heard from
these Portuguese youngsters again. Upon receiving this new demo CD I
initially wondered how well they had developed over that period, as
the generally more professional layout seemed to suggest they hadn't
been frozen in time. Indeed, from the opening minutes it becomes clear
that they have matured and evolved into a more cohesive unit, capable
of producing dark metal of a high standard for a demo. Keyboard
enhanced, but not excessively melodic for the genre, the music Fear
thy Name churn forth on _Riding the Chariots of War_ carries a
nostalgic '90s feel. Fortunately though, the band avoids
sounding too close to any one specific act I can think of. Boasting a very
good production job for a demo, the songs remain solid throughout; not
especially memorable or outstanding, but a pleasant listen
nonetheless. On their way to a commercial release, Fear thy Name would
be well advised to keep in mind that a strong production, much as it
can help your demo, does not ensure a good album on its own. There
should be no place for complacency, as the band still need to improve
in order to succeed at a higher level.
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