Date By Rating
18/8/2007 Q Kalis 3.5 Cold Empire - ...And the Cold Arrived
18/8/2007 Q Kalis 3.5 Inimical - Lambs to the Slaughter
18/8/2007 Q Kalis 2 Mort - Til Death Do Us Part...
18/8/2007 Q Kalis 3.5 Scythian - Suffering to the Conquered
18/8/2007 Q Kalis 2.5 Weapon - Europe's Revenge
15/8/2007 Q Kalis Interfektor - Fullmoon Antiquity
15/8/2007 Q Kalis 3 Slumpark Correctional - F.T.U.N.
4/8/2007 Q Kalis 3 Annulond - Annulond
4/8/2007 J Montague 3.5 Ars Diavoli - The Absence of Light
4/8/2007 J Montague 3.5 Rebirth of Nefast - Only Death
27/7/2007 Q Kalis 2 Kaos Engine - Hymn to Death
27/7/2007 Q Kalis 2.5 Legions of War - In the Snipers Eye
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 2.5 Antagonism - XXI Century
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 3 ArCease - A Chora for My Tearful Angel
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 3 Black Succubi - Demo 2007
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 2 Bloody Slave - End of Prophecy
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 2 Crysalys - Season of Suffering
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 3 Internecine Excoriation - Prognosticate the Decrepitude
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 4 Kaoteon - Provenance of Hatred
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 2 Revenant - Evil Mind
4/7/2007 Q Kalis 3.5 Sorg Inkallelse - Rise of the Shadows
23/6/2007 Q Kalis 4.5 Celestia - Delhyss - catess
23/6/2007 Q Kalis 3.5 Ekove Efrits - The Wraiths of Forgotten Forest
23/6/2007 J Ulrey 4 Majestic Downfall - The First Abyss
23/6/2007 Q Kalis 2.5 Parlamentarisk Sodomi - Demo 2007
25/5/2007 Q Kalis Crackdust - Deranged Pyschopath
25/5/2007 Q Kalis 2.5 Dark Abyss - Ecclipse Declared
12/5/2007 Q Kalis 3 My Lament - Beneath the Hidden
12/5/2007 J Montague 4 Slidhr - Demo 2006
12/5/2007 Q Kalis 4 The Grief - The Realm of the Grief
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