Dew-Scented - _Invocation_
(Metal Blade / Prosthetic, 2010)
by: Aly Hassab El Naby (8 out of 10)
Having witnessed the full extent of the fury of this German band for myself in the summer of 2007, I had some relatively high expectations for their eighth studio album _Invocation_. I remember running into the band's vocalist Leif Jensen in Essen a year later and I asked him about a new album, but he said that it was going to take a while because of the changes in band members. Only two members from the quintet that brought us 2007's furious _Incinerate_ remain in the credits on 2010's _Invocation_; the aforementioned Jensen and bassist Alexander Pahl. This record, as do all Dew-Scented records, follows the same pattern of having its name starting with the letter 'I' and after listening, screaming that letter in agreement would seem like an appropriate response to this brutal treat of Teutonic thrash.

"Downfall"; the introduction to this _Invocation_ sounds the alarms and one can almost see Leif Jensen standing on a plate that's rising up from a scene of war debris when his vocals are masterfully introduced in "Arise From Decay". The two new axmen Michael Borchers and Martin Walczak have more than a handful of good ideas up their sleeves and their guitars sound exactly the way guitars should sound on a Dew-Scented record. The one minute "Totem" provides a short break in the middle of the album, but deceivingly creates a whiplash effect when coupled with its successor "Torn to Shreds"; another flesh tearing, back aching headbanger. New drummer Marc-Andree Dieken had Uwe Werning's big shoes to fill, but his work on this record definitely speaks for itself. His drumming on the closer "Slaves of Consent" is very impressive and presents lots of clever chops and segments. "A Critical Mass" is another devastating piece with fantastic drumming that exquisitely complements its riffs and soaring solos; undoubtedly the album's prime cut.

Looking back on Dew-Scented's work that leads up to 2010's _Invocation_, one can't help but notice that they are always pushing themselves forward. There haven't been any drops in creativity or a decrease in passion in their work throughout the years. Their outright aggressive, all-guns-blazing rendition of Germanic thrash metal is looking more and more like something that's not going to grow out of style. And if you happen to live in a big crowded city like I do, do yourselves a favor and don't listen to this while driving or while waiting in line at a government building. You can't use "I was angry and the music made me act upon it" as an excuse if you get in a fight with someone.


(article published 28/7/2010)

3/25/2007 J Smit Dew-Scented: Impact Is Imminent
6/20/2005 J Smit Dew-Scented: Metal Thrashing Mad
4/12/2002 P Schwarz /
A Bromley
Dew-Scented: Inside Out
9/2/2012 A El Naby 7 Dew-Scented - Icarus
3/16/2007 J Smit 8.5 Dew-Scented - Incinerate
6/20/2005 J Smit 8 Dew-Scented - Issue VI
8/31/2003 J Smit 7.5 Dew-Scented - Impact
4/12/2002 D Rocher 9.5 Dew-Scented - Inwards
12/26/2003 J Smit Deicide / Destruction / Nile / Akercocke / Dew-Scented / Graveworm / Misery Index Redemption at the Palace
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