Dew-Scented - _Incinerate_
(Nuclear Blast, 2007)
by: Jackie Smit (8.5 out of 10)
As anyone who has seen them in action will attest, whatever they've been known to lack over the years, the one thing that Germany's Dew-Scented has suffered no shortage of is a passion for what they do. Their fervour for their art has translated into a work ethic that has seen them deliver consistently stronger albums right up to 2005's climactic _Issue VI_. Unsurprisingly, this imperative shows no signs of waning on album number seven, and after a brief and slightly superfluous intro, the band are out of the gate like rottweilers set upon the mail man.Now straddling the divide between death and thrash metal more evenly than ever, songs like "Vanish Away", "Aftermath" and the album's coup de grace "That's Why I Despise You" are fast, furious and delivered with a gung ho pugnacity. Every member is on top form, from Hendrik Bache and Florian Mueller's meticulously juxtaposed guitars through to Leif Jensen's career-best vocal performance. Perhaps most crucially, Dew-Scented has jettisoned most of the overt references to Slayer that dogged their previous releases.Amidst all this swirling aggression, some may not even notice the album becoming a tad too self-deferential as it passes the half hour mark. But that's just as well, because by the time proceedings draw to the close on the hardcore-ish "Retain the Scars", they're back to firing on all cylinders. In the grand scheme of things, _Incinerate_ could never be seen as a record that changed the face of heavy metal forever, but it does succeed in achieving what it sets out to do with flying colours.
12/26/2003 |
J Smit |
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