Dew-Scented - _Impact_
(Nuclear Blast, 2003)
by: Jackie Smit (7.5 out of 10)
With thrash looking set to inhale its second wind, there are arguably few acts that are more deserving of some belated kudos than Germany's Dew-Scented, if only for persistently sticking to their formula of triplet-led terror like stubborn mules through many a changing musical trend. With the aptly titled "Acts of Rage" spearheading proceedings, this follow-up to 2001's _Inwards_ effort immediately showcases a distinct improvement in several key areas, not least the razor-sharp precision with which the record's eleven tracks are performed. There is also a clear progression in terms of sheer brutality: the dynamic rhythmic attack of "New Found Pain" is devastating, while the almost Anthrax-esque mid-tempo thud of "Soul Poison" is not only impressive, but serves as a slight, though very welcome change from the band's mostly full-speed ahead approach. As much as Dew-Scented try and spice things up however, there are times where listening to _Impact_ tends to become very much like watching a great boxer throwing nothing but straight jabs for an entire match -– very one-dimensional, and on tracks like "Flesh Reborn" unfortunately rather tedious. As such, Dew-Scented still trail behind superior acts like The Haunted, but where the latter have often been referred to as "the new Slayer", _Impact_ at the very least provides a strong case for the Germans to be hailed "the new Testament".
(article published 31/8/2003)
12/26/2003 |
J Smit |
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