Soilent Green - _The Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction_
(Metal Blade Records, 2008)
by: Jackie Smit (10 out of 10)
There's a tangible undercurrent of undiluted emotion pulsing through the veins of Soilent Green's fifth full-length, and at this stage it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. Having not only lost friends and a former bandmate to one of the biggest natural disasters to hit the United States in recent memory, several of the band members were also left virtually destitute in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. And so when "Lovesick"'s bluegrass-tinged acoustic guitar lines handily weave their way into one of the most charged and affecting riffs you'll ever come across in your life, there's little room left for debating that _The Inevitable Collapse..._ is easily Soilent's most personal effort to date, if not their most devastatingly effective.

This is high praise indeed in view of such efforts as _Sewn Mouth Secrets_ and _Confrontation_, but it certainly seems opportune to tag the record as latter, given the eye-watering accuracy with which every weapon in the band's formidable arsenal seems to be locked on target this time round. Sheer barbaric heaviness is hardly in short supply; the gattling-gun attack of "For Lack of Perfect Words" is prime Louisiana deathcore, delivered by an elite squad of musicians who pay little attention to conventional song structure, and are the better band for it, managing to cram in enough hooks and jaw-dropping moments to make every sequence hang together seamlessly. Central to this aural carnage is Ben Falgoust's serrated-edge rasp; surely one of the most underrated and instantly recognizable voices of our day, and here it packs a wallop like few others.

Where Soilent Green are really carving a name for themselves these days however is by virtue of the variety in their approach. Although there's a bounty of death and grindcore namedropping, the volume has been turned up in a major way on the Soilent Green's stoner and sludge heritage too. Likewise songs like "Rock Paper Scissors" find them frequently indulging their love of Discharge-style punk. Yet, for all of its disparate styles, _The Inevitable Collapse..._ succeeds in being far greater than the sum of its parts. Whether borne out of the frustration and anguish inherent in their individual and collective tragedy, or simply a case of a band hitting their stride, this is Soilent Green's finest hour. Who would have thought it could be quite this glorious?


(article published 27/4/2008)

22/8/2005 J Smit Soilent Green: Theory of Pride in Tragedy
29/6/2005 X Hoose 8.5 Soilent Green - Confrontation
19/10/2001 A McKay 7.5 Soilent Green - A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down
12/10/1999 M Noll 8 Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
25/5/2000 P Schwarz Crowbar / Eyehategod / Soilent Green God Hating Human Beatings
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