Soilent Green - _A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down_
(Relapse, 2001)
by: Aaron McKay (7.5 out of 10)
This is a key release to one of the more important bands on the scene today. While the phrase "there is something for everyone" has the reputation for being abused in press circles, in the case of _A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down_ -- it is the gospel truth, I believe. This New Orleans five piece, muscling around since the very late 1980s/early 1990s, is unquestionably undaunted in their quest to consume everything in their path musically and expel it back in a fashion all their own. Starting off perfectly with one of the finer contributions to the disc, "Hand Me Downs", Soilent Green instantly instills a fine sense of vigilante correctness in a topsy-turvy world. This band has a sound that they've pioneered, where their intricate manner is nearly preoccupied with drawing the listener into a web of molten beats, hoarse vocals and harsh reality -- for example, "Last One in the Noose". "Afterthought of a Genius", a.k.a. track four, is surreal and dynamic in stark contrast to "Swallowhole". With an absence of the sludge aspect, "AoaG" works ya over with a power not unlike of Cathedral's _Ethereal Mirror_, specifically "Midnight Mountain", set to a Dillinger Escape Plan apocalyptic pace. Always flaunting a dichotomous flavor to their style, Soilent Green struts among the proudest peacocks in the bunch, with good reason. Fast, heavy, and groove-laden, _A Deleted Symphony for the Beaten Down_ has a little something for everyone, if "everyone" refers to characters in an early Quentin Tarantino film.

(article published 19/10/2001)

22/8/2005 J Smit Soilent Green: Theory of Pride in Tragedy
27/4/2008 J Smit 10 Soilent Green - The Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction
29/6/2005 X Hoose 8.5 Soilent Green - Confrontation
12/10/1999 M Noll 8 Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
25/5/2000 P Schwarz Crowbar / Eyehategod / Soilent Green God Hating Human Beatings
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