Tjolgtjar - _Five Tjolgtarian Keys_
(Suffering Jesus, 2006)
by: Quentin Kalis (7 out of 10)
This release by Tjolgtjar ("toll-taar") consists of their 2003 demo, _The Five Tjolgtarian Keys and the Gate to Vruguun_, and the 2002 demo _Nuun Raaguun Skuulkuun_. A cover of Molok's "Devil Take Me" is included as a bonus.

Sole instrumentalist and vocalist Reverend JR Preston is clearly influenced by King Diamond, judging by the screams and occasional clean vox in this primal example of black metal. His other influences are a little bit unusual and esoteric, however.

I'm sure that like King Diamond, he is aligned to the Church of Satan, and arcane esoterica does seem to be the focal point for his lyrics -- the 2003 demo in particular seems to be based on an occult concept. So far, nothing I've said seems to particularly stand out. King Diamond is hugely and justifiably influential, and the presence of occult lyrics in black metal is barely worth mentioning, even if he does appear to have a greater understanding of magicko-occultism than the average raccoon painted troll.

What makes this entity unique from the underground dross is the rocking '70s flavour he brings to black metal, melding it with the innate bestiality of black metal, almost like a simpler and more feral Sigh.

At times it drags on a bit, but his idiosyncrasies are sufficient to alleviate any possibility of boredom arising. Besides, apart from the aforementioned oddball Orientalists, how many other blackened acts would dare feature distorted ska-like palm muting? This deserves a listen just for that alone!


(article published 15/8/2007)

21/4/2009 Q Kalis 7 Tjolgtjar - Ikarikitomidun, Lord of the Forest
16/10/2007 Q Kalis 7.5 Tjolgtjar - Midnight Mindtrip
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