Napalm Death - _Inside the Torn Apart_
(Earache, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
Now that the soap opera is over (y'know, the lead singer swaps between Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror?) we can get on with the real issue here: new Napalm Death. While I liked the limited _Greed Killing_ EP, I found myself not being too impressed with the style and direction that Napalm Death had provided with their last offering, _Diatribes_. It seemed a bit rushed and unorganized - no real fundamental foundation for the music to strike from. Not the same with their latest, _Inside the Torn Apart_, a record that showcases the band's control of both groove and the destructive death/grindcore nature that has been an integral part of the band since day one. From the get-go, this 39-minute assault of noise and groove lashes out with severe intensity putting aside any ideas that the band, while always molding itself, was on its last leg of creativity. _ItTA_ is a good record primarily for the fact that a lot of the material delivers solid grooves and the vocals of Barney, while more death-ish in nature now, deliver some powerful, ultra-heavy doses of momentum that have not shown up in the last few releases. Some experimentation finds its way into the new material (check out closer "The Lifeless Alarm") but in the end it's still Napalm Death and that should bring a smile to any metallers who live for the band's extreme music ideas. Heavy.

(article published 13/5/1997)

1/30/2009 J Smit Napalm Death: Silence the Tyrants
9/12/2006 J Smit Napalm Death: Blunt Against the Cutting Edge
5/13/2005 J Smit Napalm Death: Cause for Alarm
1/10/2001 P Schwarz Napalm Death: Killing Is the Business of Their Enemy
1/17/1996 A Bromley Napalm Death: On A New Plane of Existence
1/23/2009 J Smit 10 Napalm Death - Time Waits for No Slave
8/22/2006 J Smit 9 Napalm Death - Smear Campaign
4/7/2005 J Smit 9.5 Napalm Death - The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code
7/29/2004 J Smit 8 Napalm Death - Leaders Not Followers 2
6/23/2003 J Smit 9 Napalm Death - Order of the Leech
11/20/2000 P Schwarz 9.5 Napalm Death - Enemy of the Music Business
5/19/1999 A Bromley 8 Napalm Death - Words From the Exit Wound
9/1/1998 A Wasylyk 8 Napalm Death - Bootlegged in Japan
2/5/1997 A Bromley 8 Napalm Death - Breed To Breathe
12/13/1995 G Filicetti 8 Napalm Death - Greed Killing
1/16/1999 P Azevedo Cradle of Filth / Napalm Death / Borknagar The Smell of Napalm in the Dark
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