Napalm Death - _Leaders Not Followers 2_
(Century Media, 2004)
by: Jackie Smit (8 out of 10)
I had been looking forward to hearing this record for a while. Sure, cover albums are fast becoming a dime a dozen and it can be argued that they are little more than a convenient way for a band to release something they can make money off while fans salivate in anticipation of their next full-length. But, as the first instalment of Napalm Death's _Leaders Not Followers_ series pointed out, covers albums can also serve as interesting, if nostalgia-inducing reinterpretations of forgotten classics, especially when the Brummy legends take a song like "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" (originally by The Dead Kennedys) and turn it into a bona fide Napalm Death classic. Consequently, _Leaders Not Followers 2_ avoids the lazy cash-in of cover-albums like Six Feet Under's _Graveyard Classics_, and goes straight for the jugular from the word go. There aren't any surprises, and for once that's almost a relief -- hell, you'd have been a fool for expecting anything to the contrary anyway. _Leaders Not Followers 2_ serves up nineteen tracks of warp-speed violence that hit the mark again and again. On an odd few occasions one might wince at the inclusion of a number that's clearly not quite working as it should, but when you have an album that features blistering adaptations of Agnostic Front's "Blind Justice" and Discharge's "War's No Fairytale", you have a record that contains enough primal aggression to power a small city. Add to this the album's ultimate highlight (Sepultura's "Troops of Doom") and there really is no way that you can go wrong with _Leaders Not Followers 2_.


(article published 29/7/2004)

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