Loits - _Raiugem Ruunideks_
(Schwarze MaSSenvernichtung, 2004)
by: Pedro Azevedo (5 out of 10)
Packaged together on the same CD-R as the band's older _Legion Estland_ effort, I received another 7" EP from Estonian national pride promoters Loits, this one titled _Raiugem Ruunideks_. Released by a different label (Schwarze MaSSenvernichtung, which can be translated into a pretty unambiguous "Black MaSSeradication"), this new EP features only two tracks. The title track is a bit folkier than the material on _Legion Estland_; the production is slightly inferior and the song drags a bit. The second track, "Tuleristsed", sheds the folk influence and boasts some improved song structuring, saving the EP from a negative rating. On the whole, however, there isn't much on offer in terms of quantity, nor does the average quality of the two tracks suggest you'll be spinning this EP over and over again. Decent material, but far from being a remarkable release even if you have no qualms about the label's more than questionable choice of name.

Contact: http://www.loits.org

(article published 25/5/2004)

11/4/2007 Q Kalis 6.5 Loits - Must Album
1/2/2006 D Rocher 8.5 Loits - Vere Kutse Kohustab
5/25/2004 P Azevedo 6 Loits - Legion Estland
7/3/2002 P Azevedo 7 Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi
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