Silent Voices - _Chapters of Tragedy_
(Low Frequency Records, 2002)
by: Adam Lineker (8.5 out of 10)
The music created by Silent Voices works on many levels. Displaying both symphonic and progressive traits, _Chapters of Tragedy_ remains within familiar boundaries while retaining elements of creativity. Having created metal that combines dynamic virtuosity with deep sensitivity, Silent Voices are shown to be a highly accomplished band by this opus. Most striking of all are the endeavours of guitarist Timo Kauppinen, who blazes up and down the frets with acute precision and flair, transforming each solo into an eagerly awaited performance. Effective use of keyboards focuses a lot of the complimentary mood and sufficiently avoids mix swampage. The rhythm section shapes and controls the style of each passage; there is measured embellishment employed with tasteful bass lines, though the drumming is not as adventurous as it might be. Vocalist Michael Henneken is competent enough, and although he never displays any really impressive power, he does well to capture the prog vibe and maintain a solid presence. Silent Voices create a very rich form of music without being self-indulgent. The song writing is well crafted and diverse enough to preserve interest; heavy sections of metallic groove are offset by mellow or menacing keyboard atmospherics that paint appropriate colours around passages of prog metal. They avoid passages of complex scalic runs and awkward time signatures while still showing enough instrumental flamboyance to impress. Unfortunately _Chapters of Tragedy_ is an underwhelming first listen, with its real majesty wrapped in subtlety beneath the surface. The album ends abruptly, leaving behind deep silence and a bemused smile. Yet this is almost a prompt to go again, and further spins reward patience with pleasing and accessible music worthy of attention. If there is any such thing, this is enjoyable easy listening for prog fans and power metal lovers alike.

(article published 20/10/2003)

27/2/2006 P Azevedo 7 Silent Voices - Building Up the Apathy
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