Stuck Mojo - _Declaration of a Headhunter_
(Century Media, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (7.5 out of 10)
I don't know whether to like this latest Stuck Mojo offering or hate it. Not to say that Atlanta's heavyweights have released a bad record in their career, but this one just throws me for a loop. I worship the band's 1997 offering _Pigwalk_ and I loved the variety offered by 1998's _Rising_ (though CoC veteran Alain Gaudrault might raise a point about that record), but the band's new offering sees them taking their heavy "rap-core" metal sound down the sweetened path of commercialism. Clean guitars and melodies are woven into the metal mass of anarchy that the band emits within their wall of Southern metal and for some reason it is settling my stomach. No doubt backing vocals of new bassist Dan Dryden have added a new punch to the vocal rhymes of singer Bonz. I'll still down with the Mojo, it is just that their groove seems to have become a bit more polished. Choice cuts: "Set the Tone", "Drawing Blood" and "Evilution".

(article published 25/5/2000)

11/18/1996 A Bromley Stuck Mojo: When Pigs Fly
1/15/2009 Q Kalis 8 Stuck Mojo - The Great Revival
12/9/1999 A Bromley 8 Stuck Mojo - HWY 1
3/10/1998 A Bromley 9.5 Stuck Mojo - Rising
10/11/1996 A Bromley 9 Stuck Mojo - Pigwalk
9/14/1997 S Hoeltzel Testament / Stuck Mojo / Strapping Young Lad Demonic Pigwalk
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