Various - _To Magic..._
(Prophecy Productions, 1999)
by: Pedro Azevedo (8 out of 10)
As far as compilations go, Prophecy Productions have put together a highly interesting release which shows that their roster is growing rapidly and incorporating plenty of quality. The compilation is organized in such a way that the even-numbered songs are generally acoustic, with only one exception (track eight, which ended up being my favourite). Plenty of variety here, but mostly kept within an unifying spirit. The first three bands on the compilation are probably the most well-known: In the Woods..., Empyrium and Bethlehem. ItW, who recently signed to Prophecy after the demise of Misanthropy Records, are represented with "Karmakosmik" from their new _Epitaph_ 7" EP (the third and last of their 7" EP series). This doesn't really subtract much from the interest of the EP, which is mainly intended for collectors anyway, and does increase the interest of the compilation. It's a long, emotional and melancholic song, and somehow pretty much what I expected to find here from ItW. Apparently this fine track was recorded in the _Omnio_ [CoC #25] era. Empyrium are perhaps the band that ended up more poorly represented, as the chosen track was taken from their acoustic album _Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays_ [CoC #42]. A good song, but hardly a great example of Empyrium's music; so why not a normal track from _Songs of Moors & Misty Fields_ [CoC #30]? That would have been far more representative of their music. Next is Bethlehem, another new band on Prophecy's roster, but their new material sounds very mediocre to me. Vastly different from the music found on past releases, "Von Bittersuessem Suizid" features clean singing, some easy guitar and vocal lines and generally makes me think of goth rock. Get the picture? Clearly the worst track here, and also the most disappointing one if this really is their new style (which apparently is the case). Tenhi follow with their dark folk: acoustic guitars, clean male vocals, percussion and what appears to be a distant background keyboard. Quite good, but somewhat repetitive. Blazing Eternity increase the interest level again, though. Reminiscent of _Brave Murder Day_-era Katatonia, but able to mix those influences with other elements, their contribution promises a very interesting full-length if they can keep up the quality level. Next is possibly the strangest band on the compilation: Coven. Often fast and mostly repetitive acoustic guitar in the background, some percussion and -intense- vocals. The man speaks, sings, screams, weeps... the image left on my mind is of someone locked up in a room, inside an asylum, with a wintry landscape on the window, feverishly walking around, talking to himself, surrounded by ghosts who are taking away the remains of his sanity. Autumnblaze take us back to metal, more specifically melodic doom, not too far from Paragon of Beauty (another Prophecy band). Both harsh and doomy clean vocals, good sad melodies and attempts at variety; their album may well be interesting. What comes next is the gem of this compilation: Sun of the Sleepless. This -really- impressed me -- so much that I immediately sought their _Poems to the Wretches' Hearts_ MCD [also reviewed in this issue]. This particular song is a remix of the opening track from that MCD, and it is quite simply the first remix ever to blow me away. This is a sad, melancholic black metal dirge of the highest quality. Schwadorf masterfully transformed the original fast track into a -much- slower and atmospheric song, literally dripping with black sadness, alternating between deeply melancholic passages and slow, painful, dirgeful, yet harsh black sections. Only lyrics and the essence of certain passages remain from the original. This specific track is not part of the aforementioned MCD, however; instead, it will be featured in a forthcoming 7" EP. Well, practically any track after this one would be rather hopeless, but the Drawn song is actually rather poor by itself, despite contribution of Jan Svithjod, the In the Woods... vocalist. Very standard, unremarkable metal until halfway through the song, which then tries to sound like ItW. Inconsistent and uninteresting. Next, Naervaer, who are rather hard to label, but with acoustics (including what appears to be a cello) and both male and female vocals, they create an excellent emotional dark atmosphere. Both vocalists tend to remind me of In the Woods..., and the atmosphere isn't very far from ItW, either; very good. Nox Mortis play very decent, though not especially innovative or remarkable, doom/death. Gods Tower follow with a track that sounds more like an intro than anything else. Finally, Paragon of Beauty end this fine compilation with "To My Unfading Sorrow", taken from their forthcoming MCD. A very good song, actually doomier than their previous material; melodic, sorrowful and overall more interesting than before. _To Magic..._ therefore contains plenty of quality material, half a dozen really good songs, a couple of tracks from 7" EPs, some unreleased material and quite a few tracks from new or unknown bands. As usual with compilations, _To Magic..._ also contains some weaker tracks, which prevents a higher rating, but it will apparently be available for quite a low price, making it even more interesting.

Contact: Prophecy Productions, Kurfuerstenstrasse 5,

(article published 15/1/2000)

29/12/2010 C Drishner 8 Various - Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft - Gate 1: Yogsothery - Chaosmogonic Rituals of Fear
14/12/2010 N Shahpazov 8.5 Various - Whom the Moon a Nightsong Sings
2/4/2010 Q Kalis Various - Rising of Yog-Sothoth: Tribute to Thergothon
8/1/2009 C Drishner Various - Anthrosphere Volume 1
17/9/2008 P Azevedo 7.5 Various - My Own Wolf: A New Approach to Ulver
9/8/2008 Q Kalis 7.5 Various - Metal Message IV
22/6/2008 Q Kalis 8 Various - ...Where Tattered Clouds Are Stranding
17/6/2008 Q Kalis 5.5 Various - Extreme Metal Inside
13/6/2008 Q Kalis 8 Various - Might Is Right: Nordic Warchants II
11/6/2008 Q Kalis 4.5 Various - Bajo el Signo de la Violencia: Tribute to Masacre
7/10/2007 Q Kalis 7 Various - Rise of the Eastern Blood
24/7/2007 Q Kalis 8 Various - Might Is Right - Nordic Warchants Pt. I
4/7/2007 Q Kalis 7 Various - Aural Holograms Vol. I
20/4/2007 Q Kalis 8.5 Various - Noise.IL
15/4/2007 Q Kalis Various - Fine-Tuned Disasters
5/4/2007 Q Kalis Various - Defaced and Split
25/3/2007 Q Kalis 8 Various - Fuck the Modern World
8/3/2007 J Ulrey 7.5 Various - Intoxicated Vol. 4
24/2/2007 K Sarampalis 7 Various - Metal Message Vol III
28/1/2007 Q Kalis 8.5 Various - A Reassuring Voice on the Television
9/1/2007 Q Kalis 7.5 Various - Hauautagused Karjed Vol. II: Estonian Extreme Metal Compilation
26/12/2006 Q Kalis 8 Various - All My Dead Friends
7/11/2005 N Shahpazov 7 Various - The Wood Brothers
10/1/2005 T DePalma 7.5 Various - Listen Without Distraction - A Tribute to Kyuss
19/10/2004 P Azevedo 7 Various - Fenriz Presents... The Best of Old-School Black Metal
17/1/2004 A McKay 3.5 Various - Defenders of Metal Volume 1 - The Seduction
16/11/2003 X Hoose 7 Various - Japanese Assault
31/8/2003 J Montague 8 Various - Barbaric Onslaught (Australian Metal Attack)
29/5/2003 Q Kalis 7.5 Various - Victory Through Total Domination: Compilation No. III
27/5/2003 A Wee 7 Various - The Obsolete View
5/4/2003 P Azevedo 8 Various - Better Undead Than Alive
31/3/2003 P Azevedo 7.5 Various - Svartmetall Compilation 2001
26/3/2003 X Hoose 4 Various - Covered in Blood: A Tribute to Slayer
12/4/2002 B Meloon 6 Various - Czech Assault
12/4/2002 Q Kalis 7.5 Various - The Bells of the Mystical Empire
14/1/2002 A Wee 6 Various - Hellion Promo Vol II
14/1/2002 A McKay 7 Various - Colorado Colossus
19/10/2001 Q Kalis 7.5 Various - Beauty in Darkness 5
12/8/2001 A McKay 2 Various - Brazilian Assault
12/8/2001 V Eldefors 7 Various - Triarchy of Vasconia
12/8/2001 A Wee 9 Various - Black Metal Blitzkrieg
13/5/2001 A Wee 8 Various - The Return of Darkness and Hate
13/5/2001 A McKay 8 Various - Requiems of Revulsion: A Tribute to Carcass
13/3/2001 A McKay 4 Various - Chamber Metal: Neo-Classical Metal Guitar
13/3/2001 A McKay 6.5 Various - Overload 2: Tribute to Metallica
10/1/2001 A McKay 6.5 Various - Scream Forth Blasphemy: A Tribute to Morbid Angel
20/11/2000 A McKay 2 Various - Dead Zeppelin - A Metal Tribute to Led Zeppelin
20/11/2000 A McKay 6.5 Various - In the Sign of the Horns - A Tribute to Venom
20/11/2000 G Sanchez 7 Various - Economi$ed
20/11/2000 G Sanchez 8 Various - Coalescence
25/10/2000 A McKay 6 Various - Gateway to Hell 2: Tribute to Slayer
25/10/2000 A McKay 7 Various - King Diamond Tribute
25/10/2000 A Cantwell 7.5 Various - World of Pain -- A Tribute to Sepultura
25/10/2000 A Cantwell 7.5 Various - Jump in the Pit -- A Tribute to Testament
25/10/2000 A McKay 9.5 Various - Root of All Evil 2000 2nd Anniversary Sampler
12/8/2000 A McKay 5 Various - Raise the Flag of Hate: A Tribute to Kreator
12/8/2000 A McKay 8 Various - Curse of the Demon: A Tribute to Mercyful Fate
25/5/2000 A Bromley 3 Various - Power From the North
25/5/2000 A Bromley 7.5 Various - Panther: A Tribute to Pantera
5/3/2000 A Bromley 8.5 Various - Holy Dio: Tribute to Ronnie James Dio
15/1/2000 M Noll 2 Various - A Tribute to Accept
9/12/1999 P Schwarz 8 Various - 21st Century Media Blitz Vol. 2
9/12/1999 A Bromley 8.5 Various - Never Give In: A Tribute to Bad Brains
12/8/1999 A McKay 3 Various - A Tribute to Hell: Satanic Rites
12/8/1999 P Schwarz 3 Various - ECW Extreme Music
12/8/1999 G Sanchez 6 Various - Lobot Manual
12/8/1999 G Sanchez 7.5 Various - Needlepoint
12/8/1999 A McKay 9 Various - White: Nightmares in the End
7/7/1999 A Wasylyk 7 Various - Death... Is Just the Beginning 5
15/6/1999 P Azevedo 5 Various - Psyclone Sinphonies
15/6/1999 A Wasylyk 6.5 Various - Beauty in Darkness Vol. 3
15/6/1999 A McKay 8.5 Various - Smells Like Team Spirit III
19/5/1999 G Sanchez 6.5 Various - Extreme America 3
19/5/1999 A McKay 7 Various - Straight to Hell -- A Tribute to Slayer
19/5/1999 G Sanchez 7.5 Various - Freak Animal Zine #11 CD
19/5/1999 P Azevedo 8 Various - Where We Go, Others Can Only Follow...
19/5/1999 A Cantwell 8.5 Various - Chords of the Grave
19/5/1999 A McKay 8.5 Various - To Live Is Ever to Be in Danger
14/3/1999 A Bromley 7 Various - Black Mark Tribute II
14/3/1999 A McKay 7 Various - In Conspiracy With Satan
14/3/1999 G Sanchez 8 Various - WWF - The Music Vol. 3
13/2/1999 A Cantwell 8.5 Various - Full Moon Productions Sampler CD
16/1/1999 P Schwarz 5 Various - Roadkill
16/1/1999 P Schwarz 7 Various - Feuersturm Vol. II: The Ultimate Storm
16/1/1999 P Schwarz 8 Various - Wardance
16/1/1999 A Cantwell 8 Various - From Kaamos to Midnight Sun -- Finnish Metal Compilation
19/11/1998 A Bromley 8 Various - GRRRR!!: Extreme Music From Vancouver
1/10/1998 P Schwarz 7 Various - Cry Now, Cry Later -- Vols. 3 & 4
1/10/1998 A Cantwell 7 Various - Songs From the Penalty Box: Volume 2
1/10/1998 P Schwarz 8 Various - Amduscias
1/9/1998 P Azevedo 6 Various - High Radiation 4
1/9/1998 A Bromley 7 Various - Call on the Dark II
1/9/1998 B Meloon 7 Various - Bestial Sampler: 1997-1998
1/9/1998 A Wasylyk 8 Various - Fiesta Comes Alive!
1/9/1998 P Schwarz 9 Various - Statements of Intent
8/7/1998 A Wasylyk 6 Various - Blackened III
8/7/1998 A Wasylyk 7 Various - Statements of Intent
8/7/1998 A Wasylyk 8 Various - Sepultural Feast: A Tribute to Sepultura
7/6/1998 P Azevedo Various - Peaceville X
7/6/1998 A Bromley 7 Various - Call To Irons: A Tribute to Iron Maiden
7/6/1998 A Wasylyk 7 Various - Voyager: 10 Years Nuclear Blast
7/6/1998 B Meloon 8 Various - Until the End of Time
1/1/1998 A Wasylyk 5 Various - A Declaration of Independence
1/1/1998 A Gaudrault 7 Various - Masters of Misery - Black Sabbath: The Earache Tribute
1/1/1998 A Bromley 7 Various - Untitled (ten)
17/11/1997 A Bromley 8 Various - Earache Unplugged 2
14/7/1997 A Wasylyk 3 Various - The Kanada Compilation
14/7/1997 Z Tsarfin 7 Various - Awakenings: Females in Extreme Music
14/7/1997 A Bromley 9 Various - A Black Mark Tribute
7/6/1997 A Bromley 8 Various - The Ozz-Fest: Live
13/5/1997 P Azevedo 8 Various - Out of the Dark Live Compilation
13/5/1997 S Hoeltzel 9 Various - World Domination II
5/2/1997 A Bromley 5 Various - Frozen Dawn III
5/2/1997 A Bromley 8 Various - The Absolute Supper
2/1/1997 A Wasylyk 9 Various - Beneath the Icy Floe: A Projekt Sampler V.4
12/8/1996 A Wasylyk 7 Various - Black Mark Attack
12/8/1996 G Filicetti 9 Various - ...And Even Wolves Hid Their Teeth
17/7/1996 A Bromley 9 Various - Beauty In Darkness
9/6/1996 S Hoeltzel 7 Various - Nordic Metal: A Tribute to Euronymous
18/4/1996 N Bassett 7 Various - In Memory of Celtic Frost
14/3/1996 A Bromley 7 Various - Identity II
14/3/1996 N Bassett 8 Various - With Us Or Against Us
17/1/1996 G Filicetti 9 Various - Four Ways To Misery
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