Testament - _The Gathering_
(Spitfire Records, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
With a mega-helping of pumped fists and guitars shredding everything in sight, Bay Area metal thrash gurus Testament return to the music scene with a blistering new LP called _The Gathering_. But is everybody ready for the latest slab of metal from these metal Gods? They better be. With little remorse for the weak, Testament lashes out with some of their most volatile and proficient metal to date. Mustering up enough aggression to surpass their ball-busting last effort, 1997's _Demonic_, _The Gathering_ is a heavy trip into an aggressive style of music. It's heavy and there is no denying that. So what's the big deal with this album? Why does it sound so heavy and so proficient in all sections of the recording? I'll tell you, my friends. With Testament co-leaders Chuck Billy (vocals) and Eric Peterson (guitars) at the helm, the two managed to snag James Murphy (Obituary, Death, Disincarnate) on guitar, Steve DiGiorgio (Death, Sadus) on bass and powerhouse drummer Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Grip Inc.) bringing up the rear. Impressive? Yes. Wait 'till you hear this record for yourself. It'll knock your socks off. While the music on _The Gathering_ is very Testament-sounding, the band does gear a lot of the music to establishing an aggressive factor, opposed to a set style/sound of doing things. In other words, the band still sounds like Testament, I mean, c'mon, this is their eighth record, but at times the record manages to draw a few solid ideas that help expand what the band is all about. All ideas represented here are worthy of praising. Solid talent and strong motivation makes _The Gathering_ a must for all music fans that like their music heavy and really well executed. Man, Lombardo's drums really drive this puppy home. One of Testament's best LPs this decade for sure; maybe the best.

(article published 15/6/1999)

7/7/1999 A Bromley Testament: A Testament to Longevity
12/8/1997 D Schinzel Testament: Thrash Up Yo Ass, Muthafucka
13/8/2012 A El Naby 7.5 Testament - Dark Roots of Earth
27/4/2008 J Smit 9 Testament - The Formation of Damnation
12/4/2002 A McKay 8 Testament - First Strike Still Deadly
1/1/1998 D Schinzel 6.5 Testament - Signs of Chaos: The Best of Testament
14/7/1997 D Schinzel 7 Testament - Demonic
14/9/1997 S Hoeltzel Testament / Stuck Mojo / Strapping Young Lad Demonic Pigwalk
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