Clawfinger - _Clawfinger_
(The Music Cartel, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (8.5 out of 10)
I was totally not expecting to get into Clawfinger as much as I have. I am left wondering just where did the band go right this time out. Having heard their stuff in the past, I can honestly say I was not really intrigued by the bands meshing of rap/metal and electronics. It was interesting, but nothing newer or ear-catching as to what other acts were doing. But something clicked here and I took note. This was cool-ass stuff. Besides the sometimes goofy rapping that vocalist Zak Tell emits from time to time, most of the time his rapping and the momentum of Clawfinger work into a nice groove. Choice cuts: Opener "Two Sides", "Biggest & the Best" and "Not Even You". With Clawfinger I've learned to keep an interest with a band before writing them off. Glad I did, 'cause this is easily one of my surprise albums of the year.
(article published 19/5/1999)
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