Core Device - _God & Man_
by: Paul Schwarz (3 out of 5)
With an unusual combination of melancholic doom-esque melodies, elements of groove-core (a la Machine Head), and a more traditional metal side comprising their chosen musical style, Core Device bring us this very well produced five track demo. I am not the greatest fan of their style -- the more shouty vocals they use particularly put me off at times -- and my enjoyment of _God & Man_ as a whole is certainly patchy, but I must admit that the band do seem to be trying to do something original instead of just ripping off others. There is also some accomplished musicianship on display and a well-managed set of dynamics (from heavy, chugging riffs and angry vocals, to melodic guitar runs and well-written acoustic passages with appropriately mellow vocal lines for accompaniment) in action. In a non-condescending way, I would say that fans of the style of heavier Iced Earth material like "Disciples of the Lies" will probably be quite enamoured with this. I myself respect the band's talents, though I don't take much pleasure in consuming their art.

Contact: 14 Field Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701, USA

(article published 12/10/1999)

3/14/1999 A Bromley 3 Core Device - Core Device
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