Core Device - _Core Device_
by: Adrian Bromley (3 out of 5)
I was thoroughly impressed with this demo -- from start to finish. While four songs here are from the band's first demo, it's kind of cool to see how the band has matured and become more experienced players come demo #2. Paying homage intensely to old school Metallica and a good chunk of the '80s/progressive metal community (Savatage, Helloween, etc.), Core Device is one of those bands that when things get going good (i.e., good groove), the band shines. For the most part, the band is strong, with songs like "When Comes the Rain" and opener "Falling", though at times it seems as though the band's gearing towards expanding their sound, and experimenting or "mixing things up" seems like a bad idea. When the band sticks to strong riffs and powerful vocals, it really does bring a smile to this metal fan's face. Also to note, the stellar production of the material here really helps bring out the band's strong characteristics. Unfortunately, I am missing the contact address for the band, so if the band is reading this, please submit it to CoC (we'll print it in an upcoming issue) so we can let people know where to get some good quality indie metal. One request, though: change your name, please. I was waiting to hear some out of control hardcore act when your demo surfaced to be reviewed. Thanks. Stay metal!

(article published 14/3/1999)

10/12/1999 P Schwarz 3 Core Device - God & Man
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