Date By
12/9/2006 J Smit Napalm Death: Blunt Against the Cutting Edge
12/8/2006 J Smit Deicide: Unholy Passion (Part 2)
7/8/2006 J Smit Deicide: Unholy Passion (Part 1)
13/7/2006 J Smit Cataract: Anger as a Way of Life
13/7/2006 J Smit Strapping Young Lad: None More Black
10/7/2006 A Marouchos Macabre Omen: As Worlds Collide...
25/6/2006 J Smit Gorgoroth: Seasons in the Abyss
20/6/2006 J Smit /
P Schwarz
Akercocke: Words From the Exit Wound
18/5/2006 T DePalma Changes: Words of the Traveller
15/5/2006 J Smit Cannibal Corpse: The Irresistible Urge to Kill
26/4/2006 J Smit Bloodthorn: Affiliated With the Suffering
24/4/2006 C Flaaten Madder Mortem: The Musings of Mother Mortem
18/4/2006 T DePalma Ares Kingdom: Ares' for the Taking
22/3/2006 J Smit Deathstars: Twenty Four Carat Darkness
15/3/2006 J Smit Cryptopsy: Back to the Worms
27/2/2006 J Smit Torture Killer: Maximum Violence
24/2/2006 T DePalma Darkness Eternal: His Will Be Done
17/2/2006 J Smit Thyrfing: Sons of Thunder
29/1/2006 T DePalma Biolich: What's in a Name?
29/1/2006 J Smit Suffocation: To Crush Once More
9/1/2006 J Smit In Flames: Moments of Clarity
2/1/2006 J Smit Hurtlocker: Here Comes the Pain
2/1/2006 J Smit The Ocean: Beyond the Fathomless Depths
7/12/2005 J Smit Dark Funeral: Until You Call on the Dark
2/12/2005 J Smit God Forbid: Welcome to the Fall
2/12/2005 T DePalma Martial Barrage: New Blood From the North
15/11/2005 J Smit Face Down: Strength Beyond Strength
11/11/2005 T DePalma Crimson Massacre: Methods of the Abyss
31/10/2005 J Smit Bolt Thrower: Armageddon's Just a Matter of Time
24/10/2005 J Smit The Dillinger Escape Plan: Sleeping Giants in the Storm
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