Date By
9/9/2007 J Smit Nile: Luring the Doom Serpent
12/7/2007 Q Kalis Kobus!: The Voice of Destruction
12/7/2007 J Smit Lupara: Made in America
23/6/2007 J Smit Paradise Lost: Requiem for a Dream
10/6/2007 J Smit Marduk: Hosannas From the Basement of Hell
25/5/2007 Y Stefanis Dodheimsgard: Experimental Musical Outcasts
8/5/2007 J Smit Dimmu Borgir: Diabolical Masquerades
8/5/2007 J Smit Six Feet Under: Thou Shall Kill
2/5/2007 J Ulrey Clutch: Brigands of the Mojo Hand
2/5/2007 J Smit Sonic Reign: The Cult Is Alive
5/4/2007 Q Kalis Íon: Summers End
25/3/2007 J Smit Dew-Scented: Impact Is Imminent
18/2/2007 J Smit Demiurg: Nothing But Death Remains
4/2/2007 J Smit Melechesh: Frayed Ends of Sanity
18/1/2007 J Smit Shatter Messiah: This Godless Endeavour
9/1/2007 T DePalma Michel Casarramona: Morbid Illusions
7/1/2007 J Smit Therion: In the Nightside of Eden
5/1/2007 J Smit This Ending: Deus Ex Machina
26/12/2006 J Smit Abgott: Ceremony of Opposites
12/12/2006 J Smit Bewitched: At Dawn He Sleeps
12/12/2006 J Smit Born From Pain: Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire
30/11/2006 J Smit Brutal Truth: Choice of a New Generation (Part 1)
30/11/2006 T DePalma Brutal Truth: Choice of a New Generation (Part 2)
17/11/2006 J Smit Unearth: Fire Rains From the Sky
10/11/2006 A Marouchos Antaeus: Straight From the Woundz
14/10/2006 J Smit I: To Ride a Northwind Storm
14/10/2006 J Smit Zao: Angels Without Wings
5/10/2006 J Smit Celtic Frost: Answering Dagon's Call
26/9/2006 T DePalma Images of Violence: The Skingraver Speaks
12/9/2006 J Smit Goatwhore: Curse You All Men
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