Date By
5/7/2009 D Cairns The Freezing Fog: Piercing the Polar Mist
18/6/2009 C Burton Cannibal Corpse: Plenty Left to Mutilate
18/6/2009 Y Zhu Obscurity: Swedish Death Metal
30/3/2009 P Williams Arch Enemy: Die Walküre
30/1/2009 J Smit Cryptopsy: A Venom Well Designed
30/1/2009 J Smit Napalm Death: Silence the Tyrants
12/1/2009 J Smit Knights of the Abyss: Summon in Thunder
3/12/2008 J Smit The Amenta: The War of Art
24/10/2008 J Smit Order of Ennead: Songs for the Damned
5/10/2008 C Burton Armcannon: Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good
1/9/2008 J Smit Zero Hour: Darkness and Hope
9/8/2008 J Smit The Rotted: Life Is Wasted on the Living
5/7/2008 C Burton Dark Tranquillity: Merging the Mundane and the Magic
5/7/2008 J Smit Hate Eternal: Born of Fire
5/7/2008 J Smit Poison the Well: Last Chance for a Slow Dance
8/6/2008 Q Kalis Celestia: Music Is Magic Not Maths
27/4/2008 J Smit Deicide: Death Walking Terror
13/4/2008 J Smit Brain Drill: Means to an End
13/4/2008 J Smit Shatter Messiah: Not All Who Wander Are Lost
31/1/2008 J Smit 1349: Mental Mercury
31/1/2008 P Schwarz Angelcorpse: How to Philosophise With a Hammergod
31/1/2008 J Smit Marduk: Echoes of Decimation
9/12/2007 J Smit Every Time I Die: Slip It In
19/11/2007 J Smit Exodus: Killing on Adrenaline
4/11/2007 J Smit Despised Icon: All Hail the New Flesh
4/11/2007 J Smit Endstille: Wrath From Above
5/10/2007 J Ulrey Sarpanitum: Harbinger of Impious Hordes
5/10/2007 J Ulrey Vintersorg: An Extension of Theories
9/9/2007 J Smit Behemoth: Lords of the Left Hand
9/9/2007 J Smit C-187: Bring the Noise
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