Torch of Darkness - _His Infernal Smile_
by: Quentin Kalis (1.5 out of 5)
The paradoxically named Torch of Darkness shares a member with Teutoburg Forest, performing a similar style of cacophonic and frost-bitten blasphemy. Out of the five songs presented within, two are covers of less-covered songs from well-covered bands. (Von's "Blood Angel" and Burzum's "Ea, Lord of the Depths".) Although Torch of Darkness are still in the process of finding their sound, their tribulations veer perilously close to outright adulation, especially as the vocal styles of each artist are adopted on their respective covers. The originals utilise slightly distorted vocals reminiscent of _Filosofem_ and fare better, even if it is painfully clear that they are still at the nascent stages of forming a sound distinct from other raucous and stern-faced misanthropes. This is not a particularly bad demo, but is the first faltering and clumsy baby steps. It is still early to say what the future may hold -- even Olympic sprinters were toddlers once.
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