Tide - _Passed By_
by: Pedro Azevedo (3.5 out of 5)
That a young band often tends to emulate (whether consciously or not)
an established act is something any demo reviewer can tell you. For
some, at an early stage that doesn't really make or break a band; the
real test is whether they can grow out of that stage and into
something more unique. Others will defend that originality is what
counts most from the beginning, with any imperfections or lack of
focus later to be ironed out. Tide are still at an early stage, and
belong to the former group. As such, the obvious Paradise Lost
connection should perhaps take a back seat in my review, leaving
center stage for the rather good musicianship, production and even
songwriting. Indeed, Tide convincingly show they can craft some very
decent gothic metal, as evidenced by the chorus of opener "Stray", the
adequate interplay of instruments, and the surprisingly assured
performance of their vocalist. It's not all Paradise Lost, either;
Tide already show signs of doing their own thing, and I wouldn't be
surprised if they can keep progressing. Hopefully they will find more
of an identity of their own, and also add a bit more grit to their
sound; right now it lacks punch, but they can certainly string some
melodies together.
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