Cerberus - _Untitled Demo_
by: Jackie Smit (5 out of 5)
This is what I like to hear! After a very impressive debut on last year's split EP with Seethe, Milton Keynes' most promising metallic exports have kept the momentum going and are back with three new tracks that don't merely improve on past efforts, but completely blow them away in every respect. While the diverse influences of bands like Mastodon and Entombed are still prevalent in their sound to a certain extent, the band has made several grand strides toward becoming an entity all on their own in the nine months following their last outing. Chris Milliken's vocals are sounding more aggressive than ever, at times hinting toward The Haunted's Peter Dolving, while the instrumental work shows a greater depth and maturity than ever before -- particularly so on the potentially riot-inducing "Mind Control", where Cerberus blend groove and technicality with a flair that could only come from a band who are headed toward bigger things. Judging by the quality of this demo, that seems bound to happen sooner rather than later.

Contact: http://www.cerberus.2ya.com

(article published 7/5/2004)

10/20/2003 J Smit Entombed / Nine / Disfear / Cerberus Night of the Angry Swedes
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