In Grey - _...And Once Again the Same Mask_
by: Pedro Azevedo (2 out of 5)
More goth-sounding and especially a lot closer to Paradise Lost's pop era than their previous output _Seasons Change_ [CoC #42], this new demo CD from these Swedish gothic metal hopefuls turns out to be quite a bit of a disappointment. I felt a label deal and possibly an interesting record might follow _Seasons Change_, but In Grey have unfortunately achieved neither. Far too simple and repetitive for its own good, the opening track "Once Again" seems to try to force its way into becoming a hit single of sorts without having much to back that up, and the result is quite annoying. A little bit more movement and a touch of gruff-ish vocals at least add some variety to second track "Mask", but the overall quality doesn't improve. Instrumentally and vocally unremarkable, trying to be catchy but just being annoying, this demo CD is going nowhere fast at this point. "The Same" finishes things off -- a somewhat better, generally slower and doomier track with a poor chorus that seems to have been taken straight from some other upbeat song and pasted onto this one. Overall a disappointing effort, lacking originality and positive progression since their previous output -- the low rating I'm giving it is also partly due to the fact that I expected a lot better from In Grey after their previous demo.


(article published 13/3/2001)

3/25/2007 P Azevedo 6.5 In Grey - Liyah
7/29/2004 P Azevedo 6 In Grey - Sulphur Tears
4/7/2005 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - XII
1/31/2005 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - MMIV
1/14/2002 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - Above
8/12/1999 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - Seasons Change
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