Destroyer - _demo_
by: Adrian Bromley (2 out of 5)
Mediocre metal (in the vein of Kreator) that comes to CoC all the way from Transylvania. Four guys trying their damnedest to get their music out of their homeland of Romania and to the masses. Gentlemen, this two-song demo may not be the answer. The songs are rather simple, similar sounding and by no means creative. I felt the production of the demo only hampered the band's quest at creating a raw, hard-hitting metal based sound. It sounds muffled and too compressed at times. The only redeeming quality of the demo tape are the vocals: strong growling vocals but coherent and suitable to the musical style played. From judging the band on this 2-song demo (with a bonus song) and not having heard their debut LP, available only in Romania, called _Raw_, I'm hoping the band gets better production next time out and really sorts through the blandness of their music and spice it up a bit. Then maybe they'll see some interest outside of Romania.

Contact: OP. 1, C.P. 196 Iasi, 6600, Romania

(article published 10/3/1998)

11/8/1995 A Gaudrault Destroyer - Destroyer
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