Skrew - _Shadow of Doubt_
(Metalblade, 1996)
by: Gino Filicetti (8 out of 10)
This is album number three for Adam Grossman's industrial metal machine, Skrew. This album tears through 55 minutes of pure, intense mayhem, combining the grinding assault of triple guitars with the heart stopping power of a REAL drum kit (as opposed to the electronic kind). To tell the truth, I haven't really heard an entire Skrew album before, and from what I did hear, I was never really impressed. Suffice it to say that my mind has been changed after listening to _Shadow of Doubt_. The power of this album is evident from the first thirty seconds of the lead track, right down to the last outro on track number eleven. The vocals here are, believe it or not, undistorted; something I believe gives this band more credibility than most industrial metal outfits jumping the bandwagon. Some of my favorite tunes include "Sam I Am", which begins with an intense punch, and grooves right up to the end. Another standout is "Generator", which once again catches the listener right off the bat. Give this CD a good listen, and I'm sure you'll find something to your liking. Also look out for the hidden verse at the end of the last track, "Crawl". It's a hilarious little "hilly billy ditty" using some of the lyrics from the song.

(article published 14/3/1996)

17/11/1997 A Bromley Skrew: Skrewin' the Dawg
16/10/1997 A Bromley 7 Skrew - Angel Seed XXIII
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