Pulkas - _Greed_
(Earache / St. Clair, 1998)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
Having had this record for a few months before actually writing about it, I had easily spun it dozens of times before actually sitting down to write this review. Each listen wrapped me into the sound and emotions blaring from this album. It really was unnerving at times. This British quartet has managed to capture a vibe of metal music that seems too hard to find nowadays. Solid metal music that speaks the ways that metal should be going, as well adding in elements of modern metal like Tool and Deftones. _Greed_ easily escalates to pure adrenaline rush from track one, "Loaded", onward, as we are overcome by the band's thick riffs, heavy-ass grooves and maniacal vocals that help to keep things tough as Pulkas kicks into tracks like "Rubber Room", "Hippy Fascist" and "Rebirth". No doubt these guys are gonna wreak some havoc at home and hopefully in North America. A good choice by Earache to sign them as one of their newer acts to push in the years to come.
(article published 8/7/1998)
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