Entombed - _To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth!_
(Music for Nations, 1997)
by: Adam Wasylyk (9 out of 10)
This review may seem somewhat dated as this release has been available on import since March, but with the good people at BMG giving _To Ride..._ the domestic treatment here in Canada I thought I'd review it. Not to mention that this was one of the best records of 1997; those who haven't heard this gem of a record should keep reading. _To Ride..._ truly embodies the phrase "death n' roll" as it has been accurately described. Simply put: this rocks! The guitars are still heavy (check out the opening title track) and L-G's vocals are as powerful as they've always been. Tracks such as "Like this with the Devil", "Damn Deal Done" and the rampaging closer "Wreckage" (the name of Entombed's new EP) show how Entombed have grown and can still belt out some heavy ditties. Production-wise this sounds a little rougher than the band's last outing _Wolverine Blues_, but then again, who says rock and roll was pretty? Entombed are a force to be reckoned with, so those who haven't picked this up yet are urged to do so immediately. As for what's happening with the band now? The latest news is that drummer Nicke Andersson has left the band to devote his time to his other project The Hellacopters. Plans for Entombed to play North America haven't as yet been cancelled, so early next year you may be able to see this band crush at a club near you. In the meantime, check out their last release and bask in the heaviness that is Entombed.

(article published 1/1/1998)

12/4/2002 A Bromley Entombed: Entombed's Shining Star
3/10/2007 J Ulrey 7 Entombed - Serpent Saints
11/4/2003 X Hoose Entombed - Sons of Satan, Praise the Lord
19/10/2001 M Noll 8 Entombed - Morning Star
12/8/2000 M Noll 8.5 Entombed - Uprising
12/8/1999 A Wasylyk 6.5 Entombed - Monkey Puss (Live in London)
20/10/2003 J Smit Entombed / Nine / Disfear / Cerberus Night of the Angry Swedes
12/8/2000 P Schwarz Iron Maiden / Slayer / Entombed The Maiden Voyage to a Brave New World
19/5/1999 M Noll Entombed / Skinlab / Kill II This Deutsche Disappointment
5/2/1997 Z Tsarfin Entombed Entombed's Not Egregious
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