Meshuggah - _The True Human Design_
(Nuclear Blast, 1997)
by: Alain M. Gaudrault (6 out of 10)
This is the customary interim EP to tide fans over until the next full-length release, which apparently isn't going to happen until well into 1998. All you get is one new track and five, count 'em, five versions of the same damn single off their previous studio release, _Destroy Erase Improve_. "Sane", the new track, doesn't break any new ground at all, and could be considered good, but isn't really very engaging: strictly B-side material if you ask me (which, of course, you are in a way since you're reading this review). "Future Breed Machine" then takes over the remainder of the disc, beginning with a live version which is well-executed and not much far off the studio recording. Then comes the "Mayhem Version" which, ironically, seems to be a drawn-out, slowed-down rendition with added aural effects. The outcome isn't too bad, but not spectacular. Then comes the far more interesting "Campfire Version", which is actually titled "Futile Bread Machine"; completely acoustic in nature, it features simply hilarious schmaltzy background vocals and whacked out squeaky lead vox, but will likely tire the ears of most fans after only a few listens. That's it for the listed tracks, yet the band has tacked on two way-way-techno re-mixes of "FBM", which are mostly forgettable, unless, I suppose, you're a techno fan. Only recommended for the die-hards.
(article published 1/1/1998)
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