DHI - _Pressures Collide_
(Fringe Product, 1994)
by: Gino Filicetti (7 out of 10)
I know what you all must be saying right about now, "Why the hell is he reviewing a record that's almost 2 years old?!" Well, the reason is that this band has just signed two new deals to distribute this album domestically in the USA (through Van Richter Records) and in Europe (through Kk Records). The record itself proves to be a very catchy, danceable industrial recording relying more on synthesizers and samples than on guitar riffs. Some songs here are very radio friendly such as the lead track, 'Pain and Courage' for which the band shot a video. As well, this outing includes two ambient soundscapes, 'Undercurrent' and 'Black Hour,' which I think only add to the length of this CD without introducing any significant content. My favorite track was 'The Aftershock' which was by far the "heaviest" track on the record because it incorporated some noticeable guitar riffs. I also liked the slower, hypnotic, trance-inducing tracks like 'Any Power.' I always find songs like that to be a good escape from all the worries in my head. All in all, a more than half-decent effort which I just might put in my CD player one or maybe two more times (gasp!) :)

(article published 17/1/1996)

14/3/1996 G Filicetti DHI / Mundane / Ichor Never a Mundane Moment
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