3 - _Revision_
(Metal Blade Records, 2010)
by: Jackie Smit (0 out of 10)
I'm still convinced that whoever signed these New York-based alt-merchants to Metal Blade must almost certainly have intended it as an April fool's prank on Brian Slagel -- for as anyone familiar with their previous work will attest, there's little, if anything, about this band to suggest a kinship of any kind with the rest of their labelmates.

On _Revisions_ this fact is hammered home and then some. "Anyone Human" starts us off on an agonizingly insipid note, its chorus making Blink 182 sound positively edgy by comparison. Ominously, "Rabid Animals" suggests that worse is yet to come; "Automobile" leaves you questioning why you never followed your instincts to snap the disc in half ten minutes ago.

If it's a dose of thorough-bred alternative rock you're after, buy yourself a copy of Them Crooked Vultures' debut set. If that's too raucous for you, then I suggest you question what you're doing on Chronicles of Chaos to begin with. Either way, treat _Revisions_ with all the affection you'd reserve for an envelope laced with anthrax.

Contact: http://www.myspace.com/officialbandthree

(article published 7/3/2010)

22/3/2006 J Smit 7.5 3 - Wake Pig
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