Abstract Spirit - _Liquid Dimensions Change_
(Solitude Productions, 2008)
by: Quentin Kalis (8 out of 10)
My first thought was that this funeral doom trio sounded very similar to another Russian project, namely Comatose Vigil. This would not be surprising, as they share a vocalist, and the likely reason why they evaded the usual demo route and delved straight into recording this, their debut recording. The major difference between the two is that Abstract Rapture is possessed of a fuller sound and more majestic soundscapes, resulting in a slightly more accessible but no less claustrophobic listen. These are minor differences -- I could name any number of bands with greater deviations in sound between two successive albums, and this could very well be the path that Comatose Vigil would have taken. Compared to many others in the genre, this could be funeral doom lite; tempos are slow, but not as slow as they could be, the vocals can be followed along with a lyric sheet and do not meld into an extended, ultra low-pitched growl. The repetition level remains high, but they rarely step over into monotony, and are possessed of a sense of progression that allows them to be appreciated as "true" songs heading towards a destination and not just meandering atmospheric filler. Like grindcore and black metal, funeral doom is all too often a refuge for the marginally talented, but this trio is not one of them.

Contact: http://www.myspace.com/abstractspirit

(article published 22/1/2009)

12/23/2013 C Drishner 9.5 Abstract Spirit - Theomorphic Defectiveness
9/30/2011 C Drishner 9 Abstract Spirit - Horror Vacui
5/2/2010 Q Kalis 8 Abstract Spirit - Tragedy and Weeds
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