Heritech - _Prophecy: the Apocalypse Enigma_
(Independent, 2008)
by: Chaim Drishner (5.5 out of 10)
Ultra mechanized and very much industrially oriented sort of black metal which tries to portray also its enigmatic facade, hence incorporating some ambient interludes, some mysterious spoken parts and some (synthesized?) piano parts, which is always a good tool to showcase your fake intellectualism and musicianship. Alas! It is not sufficient, not when used as filler matter when everything else fails...

On the originality scale, Heritech are quite redeemed, for they own a certain distinctive sound seldom heard in other metal bands, and their music could be quite addictive when listened to repeatedly and endlessly; especially when all the other releases in queue to be reviewed are utter crap.

Reminiscent of Oxiplegatz and the likes, where the 'metal' ingredient is dubious and questionable but other, more interesting influences being drawn into the music are there to be heard; when you're already tired from the uninteresting offerings metal music has in store; when melody and technology is something you find fascinating, this may be your tool of transcendence...

Not the best of albums around, but definitely _Prophecy: the Apocalypse Enigma_ offers some dimension of creativity absent from your average metal album of today, a different ingredient, a spice, and its avantgarde-ish balls are bigger than the next band's testicles, so-to-speak...

Ditching the ridiculous-sounding drum machine and incorporating a real drummer, plus thickening their paper-thin atmosphere, would be good advice to give Heritech. I will be looking forward to their next effort, for sure.

Contact: http://www.myspace.com/heritechspace

(article published 13/7/2008)

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