Norther - _N_
(Century Media, 2008)
by: Jackie Smit (5 out of 10)
It's oddly ironic that my first encounter with Norther took place during their touring stint supporting Hypocrisy and Dimmu Borgir in 2003, given that for the most part this Finnish quintet focus their energy entirely on sounding like an alchemy of the two. That they lack the nous to share equal footing with either becomes glaringly obvious early on during their Century Media debut. The twelve cuts on _N_ are all marinated in melodic death metal aesthetics and Dimmu Borgir-esque keyboard meandering, yet sadly very little save for the odd well-constructed chorus manages to gel together cohesively. Performances are solid, and the Studio Fredman sound job means that the material doesn't exactly sound demo-grade. But for anyone with even remotely discerning tastes, taking in the entire album in one sitting without falling asleep will prove challenging.


(article published 25/2/2008)

20/10/2003 J Smit Dimmu Borgir / Hypocrisy / Norther One Step Closer to Armageddon
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