Orphanage - _Oblivion_
(DSFA Records/N.Blast, 1995)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
Symphonic and tranquil at times, Orphanage's debut is a brilliant piece of music. _Oblivion_ is well-recorded and the music seems to take on a very honest, creative approach; in the same vein as My Dying Bride or Paradise Lost, Orphanage's debut is an assortment of several song styles incorporating choir-like vocals, heavy riffs, growls and peaceful musical interludes. Despite a somewhat standard pace, the secret to this band's success on this outing is the fact that the music seems to leave you with a pleasant feeling, one that makes the listener step aside from his/her daily duties and be transported into the world that Orphanage trys to reveal through their music. As heard on tracks like 'Journey Into The Unknown,' 'Weltschmerz' or even the amazing 'Veils of Blood' or thump of 'Sea Of Dreams' (especially when accompanied with the harmonic female vocals of Rosan van der Aa) there seems to be a curiosity brewing as to where the band will be going next. Addictive and definitely a sure-fire inspiration for bands of this gothic/epic metal to rise above the standard chug-chug of metal, Orphanage get my vote as a band to watch out for.

(article published 13/12/1995)

14/9/1997 P Azevedo Orphanage: At the Mountains of Madness
13/5/1997 P Azevedo 8 Orphanage - By Time Alone
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