Mundane - _Feeding on a Lower Spine_
(Hypnotic Records, 1997)
by: Gino Filicetti (9 out of 10)
After more than four years since the release of their debut CD, the Rebelo brothers and company are back to bludgeon our brains once again. This album has been anticipated for more than a year and I can personally vouch for how anxiously it's been awaited. True to form, Mundane does not disappoint on _Feeding on a Lower Spine_. Compared to their first CD, the production on this album is leagues above and beyond _Seed_. Every song on this release is unique and showcases the diversity and originality that embodies this band. The lead off track is an intro to "Drowning in the Mainstream", a song that appeared on Ed Balog's _Sonic Obliteration Vol I_. Following this track we get a taste of some new Mundane material; "In This Life" starts with some POUNDING double bass care of Mundane's new drummer, Scott MacIntyre, and also features some cleaner vocals from Vitor for a change. Some standout songs are "Sybil", a techno-ish affair that reminds me a lot of Daft Punk, some tribal beats in "Like a Blur" and an acoustic instrumental track entitled "La Na Rua" which is in memory of Joao Rebelo and Jose David. Finally, the album closes with "An Ancient Dance by Modern Terms" which I can only fathom to guess is a Portuguese folk song redone in classic Mundane style. Once again, Mundane proves that they are Toronto's leading band.

(article published 7/6/1997)

17/7/1996 A Gaudrault Obliveon / Mundane / Q.R.N. La Manie Reigne a Montreal
14/3/1996 G Filicetti DHI / Mundane / Ichor Never a Mundane Moment
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