Dwelling - _Ainda É Noite_
(Equilibrium Music, 2007)
by: Quentin Kalis (8.5 out of 10)
Dwelling's debut release in 2001 was the first release for Equilibrium Music, who have since carved out a niche in releasing post-industrial, especially martial industrial and neofolk. Thus, it is apt that the honour of releasing Equilibrium's coming of age album (their eighteenth release) is once again bestowed upon Dwelling.

_Ainda É Noite_ apparently seeks to expose the dark side of female intimacy, and the music can certainly be seen as feminine, in the sense that it is reflective, intimate and inviting. A percussionless exercise, only string instruments alongside the voice of Catarina Raposo are to be found within, resulting in a deceptively powerful sound.

According to their press release, the use of a second violinist, fretless bass and a twelve string Portuguese guitar are new additions alongside the standard violin (to state the obvious), bass and acoustic guitar. I have not heard previous albums, so I can't comment on the effect the introduction of other instruments have had on their music, but I imagine it would allow for a more effective evocation of a particular atmosphere.

Less speculative are the merits of the music itself, which consists of delicious ethereal folk exploration underlaid by fado, a Portuguese style originating in the nineteenth century. The ethereal nature is not as beautifully subtly understated as with labelmates Íon, but neither is it devoid of value, although the singing is frequently a distraction form the excellent finger picking that is Dwelling's obvious strength.

Contact: http://www.equilibriummusic.com

(article published 24/7/2007)

12/13/2003 P Azevedo 8.5 Dwelling - Humana
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