Filthboy - _Diverse Reality_
(None of the Above, 1997)
by: Gino Filicetti (9 out of 10)
After almost a year since their last demo release, Pittsburgh's premier indie band release the first CD of their career, entitled _Diverse Reality_. Needless to say, I'd been anticipating this digital release for a long time. I knew that once these boys got their hands on some REAL studio equipment, the result would blow me away. Well, _Diverse Reality_ is just that, a masterful recording that showcases this band's immense talent without the annoying hiss of a demo recording. Many things have changed since we last encountered Buzzy and Kevin. For one, they have introduced a third permanent member into their close-knit duo. One Scott Lewis, who I'm sure many of you will recognize as Brutal Truth's ex-drummer, however, Scott has given up the skins taking up bass duties instead. Also, the band's sound has drastically changed as well. Now no longer the hardcore/metal hybrid of days gone by, Filthboy have opted for a fresh new sound which is beyond classification. After some bad experiences with live drummers, the Filthboys have chosen to use a drum machine from now on, which is definitely to their advantage as most of these tracks sound at home with a machine. 10 tracks adorn this CD, and range from some heavy riffing metallic sounds, to the mechanized sound of industrial metal, to some danceable techno beats, and closing the CD is "Alone", a nice mellow acoustic track with a few surprises thrown in. The layout and artwork of this CD are all care of Scott Lewis, artist extraordinaire who's sick art has graced many an album, including Malformed Earthborn's _Defiance of the Ugly by the Merely Repulsive_. Samples are plentiful on _Diverse Reality_, one of my favorites is contained in "Hold Me", and goes something like this: 'I can lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces.' All in all, I think this CD kicks arse, and is worth looking into.

Contact: Filthboy c/o None of the Above

(article published 7/6/1997)

12/8/1997 G Filicetti Filthboy: Catchin' a Buzz
1/10/1995 G Filicetti Filthboy: Filthboy's Fanatical Fight for Fame
8/11/1995 G Filicetti Filthboy - Whatever You Wanna Call It
2/9/1995 G Filicetti Filthboy - Filthboy
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