Dying Fetus - _Purification through Violence_
(Pulverizer Records, 1997)
by: Adam Wasylyk (7 out of 10)
Having seen these guys play at last year's Deathstock in NYC, they were one of the highlights of the show. Very heavy and fast, they never let up intensity-wise. The big question for me was if they could bring that energy into the recording studio. The answer is yes, as _Purification through Violence_ does a good job in utilizing vocal styles and musical structures so there is never a dull moment. Songs like "Skull Fucked", "Nothing to Pray For", and "Nocturnal Crucifixion" take no prisoners when it comes to no-nonsense, brutal death metal. Included is a cover of Napalm Death's "Scum", entitled "Skum (Fuck the Weak)". Eight songs at just under 30 minutes, it's a little short but then again, I (along with others I'm sure) can't take a full hour of this at a time. Well produced and well played brutal death metal, yours for the asking.
(article published 13/5/1997)
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