Amok - _Necrospiritual Deathcore_
(Planet Satan Revolution / Aftermath Music, 2006)
by: Quentin Kalis (5 out of 10)
Amok consist of the colourfully monikered Necrocum on vocals, Goatpromoter Lava on guitar, Iscariah on bass and Stanley on drums. No prizes for guessing which member has since departed for the proverbial greener grass! Initially they started out as a death/grind band seven years ago, and the stupidly titled _Necrospiritual Deathcore_ marks their first venture into blackened territory.

_Necrospiritual Deathcore_ is apparently based on the infamous cult of Jim Jones, who even some thirty years later still epitomises doomsday cults. This adds a more disturbing dimension in that it is rooted in an actual event and not the imaginary and frankly laughable notions of apocalypse caused by the uprising of Hellish forces or other similarly themed nonsense. Spoken samples unfortunately surface from time to time, apparently taken from FBI tapes.

Despite a guest list that features amongst others members from Taake and Aborym, this album falls far short of the quality expected of Scandinavian death metal. Unexpectedly, they take a left turn exploring more industrial textures, but these are no more interesting nor any less repetitive than the black metal aspects, their tediousness prompting uncharitable thoughts regarding cherry Flavor-Aid. Unfortunately, this is probably the weakest album from Norway I've heard in a long, long time.


(article published 16/3/2007)

7/20/2006 J Smit 8 Amok - Lullabies of Silence
1/20/2005 J Smit 5 Amok - Hephaistos
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