Cemetary - _Last Confessions_
(Black Mark, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
After the release of their last effort, the brilliant 1995 release, _Sundown_, you'd have thought that Sweden's Cemetary would have been gearing up for world domination. Didn't happen. Instead, following years of slugging it out as a veteran death metal band (molding more into a goth/metal influenced band towards the end) and touring, the band decided it was time to bring the music of Cemetary to an end. The results of this decision to end a somewhat successful career are displayed on the band's farewell LP, _Last Confessions_. While not the best selection of material to end a career with in my books (also, 28 minutes seems a bit short and rushed), as singer/guitarist/songwriter Mathias Loldmalm and his band have created a very melodic and gothic release with _LC_, a far cry from what the band had delivered to the metal masses years ago with the death metal onslaught of their debut album, _An Evil Shade of Gray_. Despite changes in styles of music, this record has its moments, i.e. "Caress the Damned" and "One Burning Night". Interesting to see what creativity the band will conjure up as Loldmalm and drummer Christian Silver have formed a new band called Sundown, with a debut album in the works for June release on Century Media. We'll see if disbanding was required.

(article published 13/5/1997)

1/10/1998 A Wasylyk 8 Cemetary - Sweetest Tragedies
14/3/1996 G Filicetti 6 Cemetary - Sundown
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