Darzamat - _Transkarpatia_
(Metal Mind Records, 2005)
by: Kostas Sarampalis (6 out of 10)
I am very fond of the first three Darzamat albums, up to and including _Oniriad_. Somewhere around _Semidevilish_ though, the band took some stylistic turns to a harsher sound and a love for the vampiric aesthetics. Although I found that album bland and boring, I still had hopes for their latest effort.

Technically there is nothing particularly wrong with _Transkarpatia_. Belonging to the category of symphonic black metal, with Cradle of Filth comparisons closer than, say, Emperor, it goes through a variety of tempo changes, is rather concise and ever so slightly experiments with the orchestrated sound. But everything seems to be done by the numbers, mechanically and uninspired. Too many instrumental prologues and songs going nowhere make the album drag the listener into boredom. "Vampiric Prose", "The Burning Times" and "Recurring Yell" are relatively good songs, but cuts like the spoken vocals and moans over keyboards "Letter From Hell" or the repetitive "Virus" just seem like fillers. The balance between female vocals and male growls this time leans rather towards the first, which are delivered with quite a hint of drama and accent, at points reminding me of Dismal Euphony.

I do like the fact that they have retained their Polish sound and feel, akin to bands like (the better) Lux Occulta or Cemetery of Scream. But I yearn for the spark their music had, even their choice of the great Saudek for their covers. With more attention to songwriting, an injection of passion in the orchestration and some intelligent editing, I will still lay my hopes that in their next album, Darzamat will raise to their potential.

Contact: http://www.darzamat.art.pl

(article published 14/10/2006)

5/31/2003 J Smit 5 Darzamat - Oniriad
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