Interlock - _Crisis / Reinvention_
(Anti-Culture, 2006)
by: Jackie Smit (7.5 out of 10)
A longtime staple of the London scene, Interlock have often been unfairly lumped with the eyeliner-sporting cyber-goth crowd that is a regular -- and continually annoying -- fixture of the UK circuit. Yet while they may sport a rather fetching frontwoman in Christina Gajny, there's absolutely nothing pretty about their brand of electro-tinged extremity. It is certainly encouraging to see new suits on the block, Anti-Culture, picking up on the band's potential, and _Crisis / Reinvention_ is a testament to the sextet digging their claws into the opportunity with fervour. Chucking everything from death and black metal to ambient, dub and industrial into a mix that is downright corrosive, Interlock's greatest asset is the vocal interplay between Gajny and Hal Sinden that by turns flits between full-blown confrontation and a brooding, sinister duet.

"This Waking Moment" starts off like Portishead on the back of a bad acid trip, then turns into full-blown death/doom, before being carried off by a beautifully ethereal chorus. By sharp contrast, "Skinless" is a sprawling, hectic ode to the apocalypse -- like a showdown of epic proportions between Atari Teenage Riot and Dying Fetus. Not every track is as successful: "Cause" suffers from what can only be described as a case of mislaid identity, and the album does struggle to maintain the momentum of its initial impact as it draws to a close. The overall result leaves enough of a last impression to have Marilyn Manson's juvenile fans wetting their beds for months however, and leave the rest of us grinning from ear to ear.


(article published 15/3/2006)

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